3 Simple Things Parents Can Do For Their Kids
Have you ever felt guilty for your behaviour towards your kids?
How often do you feel that you are not giving enough time to your kid?
How often do you feel that you are not doing enough for them?
I am sure all of us have faced this question too:
I am showing too much screen to my kid, am I a bad parent?
"Believe you are enough for them"
All parents specially moms should believe that they are enough for their kids. Have faith in yourself for doing the maximum possible for your kids.
We as parents feel guilty very often.
Sometimes looking at instagram accounts of moms we have the thought : 'Oh she is doing so much for her kids but I am not.' Actually a lot of non- insta worthy things happen in their life too. But posts are meant to motivate, help and inspire people so those posts hardly go up for people to see.
"Be satisfied with what we give our kids."
Sometimes we see other parents buying stuff for their kids and feel we are not buying enough for our kids. Whatever each one of us buys for our kids is enough for them, the question is: are we satisfied with it?
We teach kids that comparison is not a good thing. But in our minds there is a constant comparison and race to be best parent!
At the end of many days we feel we haven’t done anything for our kids today. That’s never true. If we sit and think there are numerous things in a day that ONLY we can do for our kids which might or might not be 'insta worthy' or 'materialistic'.
What our kids want are happy parents. Happy parents in turn raise happy kids.
We should all make efforts to remove this guilt because it is just creating self doubt. Nobody can love our kids as much as we do, nobody can do things for them that we do.
Have a different perspective? Lets discuss.
#parentingtips #painting #loveyourkids #loveyourfamily #lovewhatwedo #lovethemtoomuch #momsquad